The Power Of Hybrid MICE

Where is the Power found?
The first step in understanding how hybrid MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conventions, Events) can Power-up attendee experience, is to first understand what ‘Hybrid MICE’ is. For that, check out our post on “What is a Hybrid Meeting?” and you’ll realise that the Power lies in Event-based technology.
What exactly is the Power of Hybrid MICE?
To put it specifically, it is the ability to add the elements of allure and sophistication to the experience of MICE attendees. Its Power also refers to its purpose of integrating technology into MICE — differentiating your meetings or conferences from competitors. Be it using iPad kiosks, Event Apps, or other forms of digital signage, they all share this common goal.
How is it Powerful?
This section points out the benefits of Hybrid MICE.
For the Audience:
1. Engage the audience better, at a deeper level and more extensively
2. More interactions with social media enabled Event Apps (Posting, Sharing, Likes), or Polling/Discussion functions
For the Organisers:
1. Leverage on the mask of anonymity to gain more feedback and discussions
2. Better reputation & more attendees returning for other events
When is the Power revealed?
Truth is Evidence. There are 2 occasions when you can see Event-based Technology play its part in benefitting the audience and organisers.
Firstly, During MICE
For example, during an event organized by standard chartered bank, the rental of iPads created a fun factor. For more examples, you can read more by clicking on the links below:
”A day out with the iPads@ Yum’s iMovie Event” and
“iPads for Conference”
Secondly, After MICE
Did you know? By digitising the process of discussions, polling and feedback, post-event evaluation reports can be generated. These reports help in analysing your overall performance for the meeting or conference. On the other hand, the E-mails collected during TradeShows can become valuable sales leads.
Have you empowered your meetings, conferences and events yet?
If you haven’t, it’s time to try. If you have, you’d know the hybrid versions are better than conventional MICE.
Our team at SGPad can offer assistance to any related enquiries, just call us at (+65) 6677 1533 or Email us at [email protected]!

Comment (1)

  1. I don't think the title of your article matches the content lol. Just kidding, mainly because I had some doubts after reading the article.

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