Zuji Singapore’s Top Secret Hotel Event


SGPad proudly deployed iPads last week for Zuji Singapore‘s new product launch event: <Top Secret Hotel>.

At the start of the event, VIPs and guests were given new identities as ‘Secret Agents’ and were all tasked to complete a <Top Secret Hotel> mission. Instead booking hotels via traditional methods, Secret Agents simply choose a date and destination using their iPads on the spot and Zuji Singapore will give them the hotel’s location, star rating and description.

So whats the Secret? Well, Secret Agents don’t know about the hotel that they have booked until the booking process is completed. When the secret is revealed, all the Secret Agents were pleasantly satisfied with their bookings knowing that Zuji only works with top hotels of 4 to 5 star ratings with a lowest price guarantee.

Do check out this innovative product from Zuji that promises a brand new experience of hotel booking! Below are some photos taken during the event held at Ann Siang Hill:

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