What Can you do to Make your Conference Attendees Happy?

If we had to summarise the answer in one sentence, it would be:

“To understand how to deliver the essence of every conference in the best way such that highly valuable insights are not missed out on and new friendships are easily remembered.”

In order to do that, we suggest the familiar 80-20 Rule. 20% effort for 80% results. For you to gain happy attendees, you have to help the attendees minimise the effort they need to put in to get the most out of your conference. Here below are 5 approaches to having happier conference attendees:
Learning Aids
As most would know, there are 3 types of learning: Auditory, Visual and Kinesthetic. Conventional conferences or meetings largely comprise of the first 2 types. However, hybrid conferences enable and enhance all 3 types of learning. For example, more hands-on keying of questions during discussions or breakout sessions.

Thus with technology, such as rented iPads, exclusive and high quality information disseminated during conferences can be more easily remembered because there are more learning aids. For example, breakout sessions or Polling allows attendees to more actively engage themselves with discussions during the conference.
Free time but still productive
We spend a large part of our lives waiting either in anticipation of a better outcome or merely because it was inevitable. The waiting process is frustrating, mundane and wasting the precious time of your attendees. The solution? Give them something to do during pockets of ‘free time’ during the conference. For example, extra articles to read or a share pictures that conference attendees took together – both achievable with a professional Event App.
Tools for creating the right connections
As Aristotle once said, “Man is by nature a social animal”. We love to surround ourselves with friends and share our personal experiences with them. Some say this contributed to the rise of Social Media. But who wouldn’t experience that nostalgic, heartwarming sentiment whenever we look back at our old photos taken with friends and family?
To any businessman, a meaningful connection may end up in future partnerships or collaborations in their business. As simple as it sounds, the camera function on an iPad or other gadgets can provide businessmen with opportunities to network more effectively during your conferences.
Go online
Too much paper can become paperweight. (Pun intended ☺) For businessmen who frequently go on business trips, travelling light is better than bringing extra dead weights. Instead of printing handouts or any other materials used during your conference, why not give them an option of emailing it to themselves?
Impress them
Time is gold, especially to high caliber businessmen. Give them information that is clear, rid of fillers, neatly presented and sorted for better understanding. By providing only the necessary, they would waste neither time nor effort sieving through raw information. Being highly efficient and effective in the delivery of imperative knowledge to attendees is also a sign of good event planning.
Your conference attendees are your valued patrons just like how you are to us. If you’re interested to work together with us, you can reach us at [email protected] or 6677 1533.
Written by:
Xue Ming ☺

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