Smarter wants to smart up your kitchen


Smarter is a British producer of various kitchen related appliances such as the smart tea kettle and a coffee maker that can be connected to your smart phone. They are relatively affordable and definitely make your life easier. Today, we will be featuring 3 of such items – Smarter Mat, Smarter Fridge Cam and Smarter Detect.


1. Smarter Mat

Ever forgotten your stock at home when you are doing your grocery shopping? Fret not, now with smart mat, you can conveniently check your stock at home even if you are outside. The Smarter Mat is designed to be placed in kitchen cupboard or fridge typically where food is stored. It comes in 3 different sizes that can track the weight and give you a real-time update of how much food is left. An alert will also be sent to your Smarter app if it detects that the food is running low.



Source: PCMag Asia


2. Smarter Fridge Cam

Similar to Smarter Mat, it helps to update the inventory inside a fridge. A wireless refrigerator camera grants the owner the ability to see what is inside their fridge without opening their refrigerator door. This camera is capable of taking a screenshot and uploading it to the Smarter app for a quick view of what’s inside the fridge.



Source: PCMag Asia


3. Smarter Detect

Don’t have to worry about missing out the ring of your timer or the ding of your microwave. Smarter Detect is a microphone-equipped sensor that listens to all the sound you want it to. It will send a notification and alert you when your food is ready.



Source: GagetsandStuff


Each of these devices run on Wi-fi and its battery can be easily recharged via USB-C. Don’t miss out on these amazing products. All of them look sleek and minimalistic so quickly get your hands on them if you want them in your home.

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