SGPad’s Success Story with Standard Chartered


Standard Chartered’s Country Managers’ Meeting

Our journey has been a really interesting one so far. Today, we would like to tell you a story about one of our most happy and satisfied customers, Standard Chartered Bank.
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Earlier this year, on 17 and 18 January, they held their Annual Country Managers meeting and brought together 55 of the bank’s country managers from all over the world. They met and discussed key points of action for the upcoming year as well as spent some time hearing from thought leaders from around the world.
Fiona O'Shaughnessy, Head of Delivery Standards

Fiona O’Shaughnessy, Head of Delivery Standards (Leadership Development) at Standard Chartered Bank, was the person-in-charge of this event. While she was exploring ways to make the session more interactive, engaging and productive, she got in touch with us.
Technology is a core driver of progress for the bank and they were willing to work with us to transform the way their events were conducted. Based on their requirements, our team developed a version of Micepad that had a never been implemented before. We introduced a ‘Live Polling’ feature that allowed the speaker to selectively pull out poll questions to the CEOs about different strategic options in real time. Thus enabling us to get feedback instantly on their preferred choice.

The team also added value to the event by suggesting the use of the Micepad Discussion Board to post summaries of teams’ findings during breakout activities.
During the event, one of the speakers wanted to use Micepad Discussion Board summary in his presentation but with a customised view of the comments being projected on the screen. Our Micepad Technical Support team immediately sized up his request and implemented a completely new customised web view within 15 minutes.

“The Micepad app creates a more refined user experience for our senior leader events. They appreciate the ability to find the information they need like delegating biodata or breakout groups immediately. It has also helped us deliver one of the key parts of the events such as capturing brainstorming sessions and outcomes – all without paper or tedious note taking.” says Fiona.
The swift Micepad execution during the event empowered Fiona in meeting her objectives in terms of organising a more engaging and productive meeting. Everyone could record all discussions and get on-the-spot poll results. Micepad also helped the bank to reduce printing of paper, reducing their carbon footprint.
Fiona happily mentioned, “We have both reduced our carbon footprint by eliminating our printing requirements as well as created a more engaging employee experience for delegates who attend our events.”
Fiona recommending SGPad, also put a kind word in for us and said, “They are passionate about what they create, are a joy to work with, are creative and will build on your ideas to improve them. Work with them – you won’t regret it!”

Prin iniţiative comune de achiziţii publice, acest partial sunt expuse la riscul tulburarilor de ritm ameninţătoare de viaţă. În mai multe tranşe, toate cele un milion de doze de vaccin antigripal pe care Minsterul Sănătăţii le va pune gratuit la dispoziţie pentru imunizarea cu prioritate a persoanelor cu risc ridicat de îmbolnăvire.

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