SGPad organizes iPad Training Workshops!

Over the past few weeks, the SGPad team has been actively working with a team of fellow entrepreneurs from the Meet The Entrepreneurs (MTE) organization to raise funds for D’Artistes, an organization which aims to help intellectually disabled children realize their full artistic potential.

D'Artistes in action!

In order to raise funds, the team has been organizing a number of business related events that leverage on the shared experience of the six team members. So far, we’ve organized two business networking nights, a branding workshop organized by Healing Touch founder and CEO, Mr. Joshua Lung, and an iPad Basic Exploration workshop organized by SGPad’s very own Marketing Dragon!

Our Marketing Dragon conducting the workshop!

The focus for the iPad Basic Exploration Workshop was to help introduce tablets and popular apps to those new and unfamilia with smartphones and tablets. We had an amazing time guiding our attendees on iPad basics – on how to use Skype for teleconferencing, Pulse to read their favourite blogs and even Dropbox to keep all their files with them on the go! (If you have a group of interested individuals who want to get together for an iPad Basic Exploration workshop, please do drop us an email at [email protected]).

This week, we’ll be organizing a more advanced workshop aimed at helping businesspeople fully understand the capabilities of current generation smartphones and tablets, as well as how they can transform their businesses by leveraging on the power of mobile applications. Support us if you’re free tomorrow evening!

Here are the details:

Mobile Power Made Easy: Transforming Your Business With Mobile Apps

Date, Time, Venue: 24th July, 7:15pm, MTE Cafe, 23A Smith Street.

Course Fee: $20 (extra contributions for charity are welcome if you really feel like you got great value out of this)

Course description:

Millions of dollars are made every day because people and business understand the growing power of mobile technologies.

Caught without a technical background but want to stay current? Want to learn the principles behind designing unique solutions to supercharge your own business (just like how Mark Zuckerberg put Facebook in your pocket)?

You’ll discover the answer in the enlightening, welcoming session with a young but experienced mobile startup founder, Managing Director of, Mr. Kevin Chan.

In the course, even non-techies can:

1. Understand the capabilities of mobile devices like smartphones and tablets

2. Comprehend new and upcoming mobile trends like NFC

3. Without any prior experience, design app concepts that can transform your own business.

All proceeds will go to our charity of choice, D’Artistes, a charity that supports the artistic development of intellectually disabled children. Do great charity and future proof your business in one awesome night – what are you waiting for?

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