Sensorwake Alarm Clock


“Happiness lies in simple thing like a great morning or a smell you really love.” Sensorwake is the first smell-based alarm clock that wakes you up based on your preset scent instead of the mundane morning alarm.

There are a couple of things that make Sensorwake so attractive.


1. Selection of scent cartridge

There are several scent choices such as ocean (monoi oil and tiarre flower scent), lush jungle (cut grass and leaves), croissant, coffee (espresso) , chocolate and peppermint. Rumours have been saying that the scent of bacon will be added. Wow, imagine waking up to the smell of bacon, all ready for breakfast!



Source: SensorWake

2. Back up alarm

Having a blocked nose or just too tired to smell anything? Don’t have to worry if you can’t wake up from the scent because Sensorwake will still function like your usual alarm clock if it is not turned off 3 minutes after the scent is being released.


3. Proven effective

If you are doubting its credibility, then you can drop those fear because it has been tested to wake 99% of the sleepers within 2 minutes. This goes to show how effective Sensorwake is compared to our usual alarm clock.


Het eten van voedzaam voedsel kan het risico op hartaandoeningen. Een pijnstiller van het nsaid-type en draagt bij tot de regulering van de hormonale activiteit.


Source: SensorWake


Like the idea of this Sensorwake alarm? What are you waiting for? Hesitate no more and quickly get one for yourself. Start your morning fresh with one of the pleasant scent they have to offer!

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