Putting Steve Jobs’ iPad to Innovative Use (Episode 5)

Good morning Readers! Did you catch any interesting shows in the past 2 weeks? It’s amazing how a good show makes life a whole lot less mundane. We’ve found some interesting shows over the weekend and we thought you might like them. Therefore, we have included them in Episode 5 of this series!
In case you missed them out, here are the previous episodes:

Episode 1| Episode 2| Episode 3| Episode 4

In this episode, iPads take the stage as it steals the limelight away from whoever controls it. Be it in a magic show, a neatly choreographed dance or a stunning animation.
First-off, the iPad Magician.
Simon Pierro appeared on the Ellen DeGeneres Show in February 2015 and blew the audience off their feet with his magic show. His tricks centered on his iPad, which he held throughout the show. Be it truly ‘Magic’ or not, he seemed to be able to make virtual items shown on the iPad appear in real life and also make real items become virtual on the iPad! For example, he pulled out a real string and in another act, poured real milk that washed over his friend’s head virtually on FaceTime. The confusing part was that he poured the milk into the iPad as though it was a container – an impossibility that almost any non-Magicians would think.
It’s probably easier to just see the magic for yourself. Click ‘Play’ to watch!

iPad Dance!
During the 2012 International Motor Show held in Australia, Ford brought something different to the table. They created a performance with 6 dancers doing a choreography merged with transitioning lights and colours displayed on the iPads that each dancer held. With the 12 iPads in total, the dancers would place then together to form a large screen or align them to create a circle while the display changed colours. The concept is interesting and minimalistic but not everyone agrees. From the comments on Youtube, it seems like their efforts are not only not appreciated but this performance invited some backlash from the public. Nonetheless, it is still quite compelling to watch.
Perhaps they could have enhanced the show by including more animations of moving Ford Cars, an idea inspired by the team who created the following animation using iPads and iPhones:

The perfectly timed animation that moves from one gadget to another… imagine how much work had been put in behind the scenes? The only regret was the poor quality video, if only it was in high definition! One of the most interesting parts is the 3D effect created by flipping the iPad slightly leftwards then rightwards while the animation continues. Nevertheless, still a brilliant animation. Kudos to the team behind it!
With that, we have come to the end of Episode 5! Do remember to check these out the previous episodes! ☺
Written by:
Xue Ming

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