Putting Steve Jobs’ iPad to Innovative Use (Episode 1)

“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” – Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs has left a legacy behind. His brainchild, the iPad, has received much acclaim and adoration from people across the world. Besides its sleek and sophisticated design, its functionality also enhances the users’ experience. For example, the plethora of Apps can be used for countless purposes. Such uses already include entertainment, education, business, etc. Yet, can you believe that people in the world have found more innovative uses for the iPad?
Here are few amazing ways that people across the globe use their iPads:
In their Kitchen
Here’s a comedic video of a man who uses an iPad for… why don’t you click to find out?

It makes us wonder whether an iPad is truly that durable and waterproof! Perhaps, it can double as a knife too…

 photo iPad as a knife_zpshkohehva.jpg
Picture credits: Comedy Central

In a restaurant

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Photo Credit: www.dailymail.co.uk

Designer plates almost always make our meals a little fancier when we dine in restaurants. How about using iPads as plates? I’d bet you could customise the type of plates you want too!
For Art

We often hear about the concept of “Going Paperless”, but how often do we see it being applied? Watch as this artist uses a brush to paint on an iPad instead of paper!
This is only the first instalment of unique ways of using an iPad. Stay tuned for more to come and receive email updates by subscribing to us! ☺

Check out the other Episodes of this Series:
Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3

Written by:
Xue Ming

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