Is This Goodbye, Jack?

Rumour has it that the new iPhone will only have Lighning connector audio. With Apple removing the headphone jack and some 200,000 people signed a petition against it, will Apple really listen?


Source: The Telegraph

Eliminating the connector will create a huge setback for Apple since it is used by countless speaker systems. It may soon turn to waste since study shows that there are 94 million iPhone users in the US alone (CNET), what about the rest of the world?

I wouldn’t say that removing headphone jack is all a downhill news. On the bright side, the phone will be relatively thinner, allowing more space for the display, batteries or other components without the presence of a 3.5mm headphone jack.

Philips and JBL have already came up with headphones that are connected via the Lightning port.


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Source: Business2community

Moreover, wireless/ bluetooth headphones are getting increasingly popular. On Amazon, you can easily get a pair starting from SGD$17.99 and up. The new earpods from Apple may have lightning connector too, so it isn’t as expensive as you may think if you’re still an avid fan of Apple.

Apple has always been in the lead of eliminating technologies; abandoning technologies before everyone else. Such as the first iMac revealed in 1998 without a floppy disk drive and new MacBook without the CD rom. The headphone jack may very well become history in a matter of time.

With all the uproar on the removal of headphone jack, let’s wait for Apple to shed light on the new iPhone features before it’s release.

Written by:
Janelle Teo

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