iPads for Conference

By J.Han
Last March, SGPad provided iPad Rental Service to Standard Chartered Bank (SCB) for an event which over 200 high-ranking staff attended. As always, we erased the last user’s information from each iPad, uploaded the Micepad app as per our clients’ request, delivered it and… we beheld Micepad as it worked its magic!
During this event, SCB used Micepad’s Quiz and Live Poll features to ensure knowledge retention, as well as its Canvas feature to design and share group sketches. Drawn by the uniqueness and interactivity of the iPad, the staff soon began to open up to each other unleashed their creative sides.

Check out one of the staff’s masterpieces!

iPad in Conference

When we spoke to the staff, they expressed their enjoyment of being engaged in their unique iPad-based discussions, as well as the excitement and spice it added to the event. A particular staff member appreciated being able to “find the information (she) needed quickly” on the 3G-enabled iPads we provided.
In retrospect, we accomplished another successful event. Our satisfied client too, witnessed how the event had benefited from harnessing the abilities of the iPad. Nonetheless, it was all in a day’s work for the SGPad team.
We hope that after sharing this success story, you will be thinking of other ways you can harness iPads to up the engagement factor at your own events! Our friendly specialists are always ready to listen to your requests, or to customize any event apps you need. Send us an email at [email protected] to request for a quotation and visit us at http://www.sgpad.com.
Start harnessing the potential of using iPads for conference now!
PS: Each iPad comes with a sleek black casing. We also rent iPad security casings and stands (approx 1.2m in height). There’s something to suit every need!

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