Google Takes on Apple

Google Pixel

Before its disaster, Samsung’s Galaxy Note 7 seemed to be the best Android smartphone that has ever existed. But following its exploding cases, buyers would probably have flocked to Apple’s iPhone 7 and 7 Plus. A poll by CNET revealed that almost half (48.5%) of the respondents would switch to an iPhone model.


If Samsung was rushing to beat Apple’s iPhone 7 to market, then it looks like they have created a huge opportunity for Apple’s iPhones to boost its sales chart instead. This was something worth celebrating for Apple until Google came into the picture a few days ago.


Google takes on the rival with Pixel

The timing couldn’t have been better. Google announced its new Pixel phone – the first phone made by Google itself. With comments and advertisement highlighting the “no unsightly camera bump” and “3.5mm headphone jack”, it is obvious that they have set their sights on iPhone. Even more obvious when the Pixel bears strong resemblance to the iPhone’s sleek finishes.


Google Pixel Phone


People have been saying that the Pixel phone is a decent alternative to iPhone, especially when they have a similar pricing strategy. But what’s better?


As a major drive to build artificial intelligence in its Internet-linked devices, Pixel is the first smartphone with built-in Google Assistant, a response to Apple’s Siri. Pixel also has a “smart” camera that selects the best pictures from a stream. Despite this stream of pictures, you still don’t have to worry about the storage because Google offers free unlimited storage for your photos and videos through its Google Photos app.


In order to encourage more iPhone users to switch to Android, Google has a program that makes it easy for users to switch their operating systems.


Google vs Apple


Google is definitely aiming for a bigger slice of the smartphone market with both platform delivery and hardware development. That said, its push for hardware products is also likely to affect the Android partners.


Looks like we still need some time to determine the biggest winner.

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