Fitbit vs Apple Watch

Apple vs Fitbit

Want to get an activity tracker but cannot decide on Fitbit or Apple Watch? Unlike Apple Watch, Fitbit is not exactly a smart watch but it is still comparable in terms of its fitness and performance measurement. You do not necessarily have to visit the gym every day or run marathons every month in order to keep fit. Keeping an active lifestyle is also important and these activity trackers are excellent at getting you to move more.


Apple vs Fitbit


Let’s explore some of these features.

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Activity Tracking

Both devices will show how active you are and motivate you to move a little more. It tracks your everyday activity such as the number of steps taken, distance travelled and your calories burned. You can even set daily goals for yourself and track your progress over time. To help you stay active throughout the day, these devices will also send nudges to encourage you to move more.


In addition, some of the Fitbit models such as Flex 2, Alta and Surge have the auto sleep tracking function. It automatically monitors the length and quality of your sleep to provide you with bedtime reminders in order to form good sleeping habits.


Calories Counting

Most of us are concerned about counting calories to lose weight and luckily, both Apple Watch and Fitbit help to count these calories. The Apple Watch determines your calories counts based on your motion and heartbeat. Fitbit, on the other hand, determines your calories counts based on Basal Metabolic Rate that is measured according to your weight, height, gender and age. It also takes your heart rate into account.



With all the daily activities and tracking, you will definitely require some platform to store and review your progress. Apple has the Health App that stores all your information and display them in one clear snapshot. Likewise, Fitbit also has the Fitbit App that tracks all your progress and helps you analyse your trends with graphs and charts.


Apple vs Fitbit app



Price is most likely to be the next determinant of your purchase decision. We all know Apple products are never cheap. The cheapest Apple Watch costs S$398 while a Fitbit with the simplest function costs S$88. Of course, Apple Watch provides more functionalities but if you are only after activity tracking, then Fitbit will be sufficient for your needs.

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