Deploy Your Stands and Be Ready for Battle!

Imagine a line of pawns taking the first line of defense in front of you with the knights and horses perched behind them in ready-position. All poised and prepared to take on the impending horde of enemy units rushing towards your kingdom.
Sounds a lot like war or chess doesn’t it?
To any person who has ever worked at a registration counter for major events, he or she should be able to relate to the scenario above. The horde of people standing in line in front of you waiting to get registered, growing more impatient as the minute passes. For the ‘defenders’, you and those at the registration counter beside you, stress is nothing but an understatement. Would it not be awesome, if the entire registration process could be automated or self-managed so that you can spend that time improving or helping with other parts of the event?
The answer is simple:

iPad Stands

In any cities of the world, how unlikely is it for a person to not know how to use the basic functions of an iPad? Is it an easy skill to pick up with a short 1-minute tutorial video? It’s difficult to say “it isn’t”. Moreover, iPads are often used for registration during events! So… why not spend a few minutes reading the next section on
How the iPad Stand solves your registration troubles:
1. Less risks
We know our own details better than a stranger does. Doing the registration by ourselves is much faster than asking someone else to do it. Hence by using iPad stands, event attendees can register themselves and increase the efficiency of the entire registration process as a whole. In addition, it improves an attendee’s experience and lessens the chances of frustration by reducing waiting time. A happy attendee means it is more likely he or she will come back for another of your events.
Because it needs to be sturdy, an iPad Stands is bulky and quite heavy. The iPad is also locked onto the stand. In view of that, it is logically less wise to steal an iPad Stand with an iPad than an iPad without a Stand. Thus, the risk of theft is also lower.
2. Greater crowd control
As compared to setting up a registration table, iPad Stands take up less space. With less people waiting in line, it prevents overcrowding at the lobby too.
3. Less manpower needed
With the iPad stands, manpower can be redirected to help in other parts of the event such as ushering attendees.

armour stand

What are you waiting for?
Upgrade your units defend your kingdom now!
Written by:
Xue Ming ☺

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