8 Reasons Why Renting iPads are Good for Event Surveys

1. Save Costs
No need to hire a data-entry clerk to key in written responses into computer systems after collecting survey forms which might possibly have errors in them.
No need to tediously try to decipher bad handwriting. With a Survey Collection App, digitalized responses are updated instantly into the system hence wasting no time to do the double job of data entry.
Save and reinvest your funds more productively instead of printing and re-printing survey forms.
2. More Complete Data
Mandatory fields on survey forms can be preset and only when all of them have been filled in then can the form be submitted.
3. Greater Efficiency in Collecting and Sorting Data
Survey responses can be automatically sorted into useful data. For example, Google Forms automatically categorise collected responses by question numbers into an excel sheet once it is submitted.
4. Supports Video Function
Integrating videos can liven the mundane process of doing surveys and encourage people to respond better.
5. Greater Appeal
Google Forms have available preset themes to beautify survey forms and create greater incentive to do surveys. Companies can also customize the forms with their company logo to achieve greater credibility.
6. iPads are Portable
The Surveyor can bring it directly to the Surveyee for his or her convenience and encourage him or her to do the survey.
7. Long Term Profitability
As a result of the above, feedback collected is of higher quality. This helps cut slack processes and improve the productivity and efficiency of operations.
8. Real-time Feedback
Such feedback are important for events spanning over 1 day because it can help event organisers avoid making the same mistakes on subsequent days of the event.
All major events require substantial feedback to comprehensively analyse and measure their performance. If you ever need to rent iPads for that purpose, do give us a call at (+65) 6677 1533 or email us at [email protected].
For more tips on managing Events and Conferences, check these out:
Top 5 Worries of a Meeting Planner
What are Hybrid Meetings

Written by:
Xue Ming

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